Work With Me

I have two jobs, and I’d love to work with you at either of them.

Spiritual Direction

I’m a spiritual director trained in the Celtic tradition (historically called “anam cara” or “soul friend”). I specialise in companioning people who are going through spiritual transformations - feeling like they’re “losing their faith”, or like what they once believed doesn’t work anymore.

I provide a safe, completely non-judgemental space for you to say the things that scare you out loud, and I ask questions that help you descend into your own depths to connect with the divine - and your highest Self.

I believe our health is not split into neat compartments - spiritual, physical, emotional - but that we’re complete human beings whose parts all operate in alignment with each other. I bring my training as a yoga teacher and my understanding of embodiment to my practice to support you to integrate all the parts of yourself that make you both human and divine.

Curious about working with me? Wonderful.

Follow this link to schedule a free, informal chat about what spiritual direction looks like.

Brand Strategy + Copywriting

In my day job (which I actually do a lot of at night because I live in England and work with so many American clients), I use my writing and listening skills to help brands get clear on their identity and communicate it with their dream customers.

I have a whole website dedicated to it. You can find it here.